Time Strategies

A bullet journal from Pinterest


In this post, I will be going through time managment and strategies on beating procrastination. I have read four articles that interested me the most and decided to write a little bit about each of them!

The Psychology of Checklists
I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely love checklists. Every day I come back from college, I like to take my trusty notepad and just quickly write down the work I have been giving during that day. I also note the date when it's due so I don't leave it sitting for too long. After that's done, I usually work from my schedule and get things done in the order that I have planned out, unless they are in due earlier than my scheduled time slot... Then I use my "emergency project" timeslot to get it out of the way.

The reason why we like checklists is dopamine. When we tick the little box on the list, we consider it a success, and then our body releases dopamine which, essentially, makes us happy and willing to work more.

The article mentions a really cool website called "Trello". It allows you to create checklists on your computer or smartphone, so you don't need a physical notepad to tick your checklist. It also allows you to share your progress with others.

The Myth of Too Busy
"Busy. Busy. Sorry, I'm busy", a lot of my friends hear that over and over again, especially when it comes to going out. I used to take a small pride in the fact that I had a busy schedule and that I had something to do pretty much every day of the week. But, just like the article says, there is no such thing as busy - the time is just not prioritized properly.

The article speaks how a person should cut out all the time wasting activities throughout the day - social media, blogging, tv and so on, leaving you with things you absolutely have and need to do. I guess how well it works depends on a person - some people are happy to "prioritize" work over everything else, while some people find that balance between work, family and hobbies. I personally think that cutting out on all or almost all of the hobbies isn't the greatest idea - we need some time to relax. Life shouldn't be only about a race to success.
Source: Pinterest
Overall, I think I need to work on time management a little bit more. While it works for me most of the time and I manage to submit most of my work few days before the submission date, I think I could plan it out better and free out some free time here and there.


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