Final GDD - Witch's Apprentice

Link to the DunDoc

...After completing my DunDoc, I feel more like a botanist than a creative digital media... I will never look at the plants the same way again.

Anyway, I updated my document with a lot more information - including descriptions and image references for the characters, as well as the offers of the merchants, so hopefully they will feel a little more human-like now.
I included a whole list of plants that will be available in the game, as well as gemstones and rare, buy-only drops from creatures.
Now you can also imagine how the map will look like - with somehow detailed village layout, and the surrounding landscapes.
System specs, sounds, game flow chart... all added in! So, enjoy?


  1. Hi Ada, i really enjoyed the idea of your game, i really love the concept behind the main character, i feel all 3 concepts you put up for her would be amazing, my personal favorite is the 3rd girl with the black hair and blue robes/cloak, i also really like the concept of making it a quest based game with a feel for how the character will interact, i like the layout/ui design of final fantasy 14 also definitely rings good bells, it all definitely speaks to me, love her background story too, part of me already wants to play this game to see how she gets out of her situation.(amazing story concept)
    If i could add a few suggestions for the game they would be as follows.
    i would love to see maybe a Familiar or pet added into the game that accompanies you and you can swap between you or the Familiar to get through small areas you wouldn't normally be able to but the Familiar can, i feel this would add such great value to the game.
    another thing would be to maybe add in different types of spells to make things burn or freeze, maybe even earth spells to make things grow so you can get higher or vines to crawl up walls, maybe even water walking spells you get each one as you go through the game, even if you don't add any of these i still feel your game will be amazing and i can't wait to see how it looks and maybe even play it if possible, either way loved it, keep up the good work :)

  2. Hi Ada, i really enjoyed reading through your document. It was really interesting to see what you plan to do with your game and how you plan to develop some parts of your game. It was very easy to follow and thats very important! No one will get lost reading it. I cant wait to see this game fully developed. Good luck with the game!!

  3. Hi Ada!
    I really like your idea as it seems like a fun fantasy game. Your have a lot of content in your game design document and you seem to know how you want your game to plan out. Your character lives with a sarcastic witch and receives nasty comments from people, I think it would be cool if you add some fun comedy aspects to this like if someone talks bad to your character, you could cast a spell on whoever disrespected your character. I enjoyed reading your GDD and look forward to seeing the final game.

  4. Hey Ada!

    I really enjoyed reading through your final Game Design Document, I think your fantasy game seems really interesting. You certainly put a lot of time into thinking your GDD. It was really clear and easy to understand everything. The game looks like it will take a while to make, but I'm sure you'll get it done. The fantasy setting is a really cool idea but it's something you can get really creative with. How about you add different spells to the game, I think this would really add to the game. Good luck with making the game, I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  5. Hey Adriana, really enjoyed getting to read your Game Design Document, It's really intriguing and sounds really well planned out! I love the type of game, adventure simulation\Role-playing games were my favourite when I was younger You'd spend hours playing without even realising, they're so addictive. I loved reading about the story behind your game and all the different characters personalities and phrases you've put so much thought and effort into all of it, fair play it sounds really good! I was wondering are you going to have part of the game where it explains the whole backstory and about your main character before the game is played or are you going to let it tell itself while playing the game? Your obviously really good at illustrating as your characters look amazing. Can't wait to see how your game turns out, it sounds like a game I'll enjoy playing!

  6. Hi Ada, I really like enjoyed readying through your GDD, I really like that you have such a strong story behind your game, it really draws the player into the game and the character! By reading your document it is clear that you have a very clear idea of how you want your game to look and be like by the end of the process, its good to know exactly what direction your heading in. I really like your main character and that she is very rebellious, it would be great to see her fight back against that sarcastic witch that she has been left with. I am really looking forward to seeing the progression of your game in the next few coming weeks. Good luck with the game!

  7. Hey ada, just read your GDD really enjoyed the read the game seems awesome!. looking at your GDD and back at mine makes me feel a bit underdone ahha! but glad to see your work!
    The idea is amazing and i love your visual design ideas! the HUD is giving me FF14 nostalgia and we both know my situation with that!.
    have you looked into maybe a multiplayer aspect to the game!
    some other features if your interested im working on some music that would totally fit your style of game write me if your interested!

  8. Hey Ada! Your game design document was really interesting to read, I got a better sense of what game you want to create and what your aims are. I really like the story behind the game with the young girl having to live with this nasty witch. The gameplay sounds good in how it's fun but also straightforward which makes it easy to navigate and control. Do the girl and the witch have names? The backstory is really interesting to me I like how you went into the details of the young girls background and explained how she got to where she is now living with the witch. You've gone into some great detail of the girl's appearance which is really cool because I can picture what she looks like now! I also like how you've discussed what her personality is like. Maybe you could include the witch's background or a bit about her so we know just how nasty she is! This is a great Dundoc Ada good job! Best of luck with it all.


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