Introduction - Hey! I don't bite.

Taken from DeviantArt

My name is Adriana, though it is too long and I usually go by Ada. I am 22 years old, studying Creative Digital Media. Previously I had studied two years of Architecture and Interior Design in Blackrock, so if you ever hear me talking about architecture and furniture - now you know why. While I have finished the two years with total of 4 distinctions and few merits, it wasn't exactly what I wanted to do in life, but nonetheless it was a fun experience, as we got to design various of spaces - rooms, houses, garages, shops and so on. Apart from the boring course work, the biggest adventure was the travelling to Blackrock. I had to take two trains, and sometimes a bus to get to college, which usually meant waking up at 6am. I am not a morning person, so it was the biggest pain in the world at the time... but there was something soothing in taking the train. Maybe it was the journey, maybe people, or temporary calmness? I don't really know.
Moving on from Interior Design, I have joined CDM, simply because the subjects looked cool and allowed me to try out various things - from pumpkin carving, through movie making, web developing, drawing, animating to creating halloween masks. I loved pretty much every day of first year, as I was mindlessly running from one room to another. I still remember the first week, when my classmates shyly whispered "Oh, just follow the girl with rainbow hair, she knows the way". That was nice.
Drifting away from studying, there are few things that I enjoy. I love reading fantasy, romance and sci-fi books, my favourite being "Throne of Glass" series by Sarah J. Maas, "Trilogy of Witches" by Maite Carranza, "Game of Thrones" and a lot, lot more. If you have any good recommendations, please let me know. 
When it comes to shows, movies and series, my favourites genres are historical and fantasy - Vikings, The Tudors, Empress Ki, Salem, Game of Thrones, 

I also enjoy writing, creatng worlds, characters and plots. I never really thought of writing a whole book, most of my writings are poems and short stories, but my main themes are fantasy, psychologic, a bit thriller-y... Yeah. 

Visual Creativity Project - involved detailed world, characters, letters between them and weapons. 

So let's talk about my cats!

I have two furballs - Coco, 10 years old, and Ginger, 13ish years old. Coco is a real sweetheart and I have her since she was born, while Ginger is a little feisty cat who we took in during the bad winter in 2010. She loves to cuddle and  snuggle, but she isn't afraid to bite or scratch when you get on her nerves... As they say, ginger is not a color, its a personality... 
Ginger; photo taken by friend, 2017



  1. I'm glad I don't have any morning classes with you! I usually read Scifi, fantasy and for some strange reason history books I'll try and remember to bring in a few of my favorite books at some stage of the next few weeks. Your story writing skills will be a huge asset for this module.

  2. Hi Ada, great to see you back in college. Your post is well detailed and easy to read which I love! First year was great and we did a lot of fun and different things. I didn't know you had done Architecture and Interior Design prior to CDM, that's really interesting and I would love to see a post in the future of the work you done in those two years. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!

  3. Hi Ada, I'd just like to start by saying thanks for always beating me at Kahoot last year in Web Dev, I'd always be doing grand but the pressure of knowing if i got one wrong that you'd be there to sweep up always got to me! I think it's really interesting that you done 2 years of Architecture and interior design before moving to CDM. I have the first Game of Thrones book sitting on my shelf since the last season ended with the intent of reading all the books before the new season comes out and I just haven't been able to start it. Also its really cool that you took Ginger in, I never even thought about poor stray animals out in the bad weather. Have a good year Ada!

  4. Hey Ada, good to see you're back in college, also you hope your summer was well. Last year was fun. I do remember you mentioning last year that you did an Architecture and Interior Design course which is interesting, you can tell with some of your work last year, especially the mask. I do remember last year when we were confused about where to go we'd just follow the rainbow hair girl, that was funny. You do have alot of talents and your pets are adorable. Hope you enjoy year 2 and good to see you again. See you!

  5. Hey Ada, I'm a huge cat person myself so the pictures of your cats were adorable and pleasant to see! I doubt I'll see any more photos of them in future posts but if the opportunity arises please do so! It was interesting to read the fact that you done Architecture and Interior Design prior to CDM, I'll make sure to hit you up when we graduate if I need a creative person to design my house/rooms. Interesting read! Looking forward to future posts!

  6. Hey Ada!
    I guess CDM does sound more interesting than architecture and design. I'd say getting up at 6am was difficult, I'm also not a morning person. I struggle to get up in the morning and I only have to take one bus. It should be illegal to get out of bed before 10am.
    Great read, I thought it was nicely written. :D

  7. Hi Ada, glad to see you're enjoying Creative Digital Media. I wanted to study architecture actually but in the end I thought "nah". Also really wanted to study interior design but never got the offer. Why is your cat's name ginger if it's not ginger? Taking the train to college must've been awesome though, way better than taking the Dublin bus everyday. Anyways good intro, can't wait to read more.

  8. Hey Ada! It's really cool that you had a lot of experience before this course they're great skills to have. I'm glad you enjoyed first year, I thought it was a great year and was never boring. I remember seeing your rainbow hair and thinking it was so cool, I'd call it unicorn hair though it's more pastel and magical looking than a rainbow! I love Game Of Thrones, who's your favourite character? Ginger is adorable! I'm a cat person too although my cat is basically just a lump with eyes. Really enjoyed getting to know you in this post!!:)

  9. Hi Ada! it was really cool to read about your two years in architecture, it most of being a very cool course to take up. i understand the pain of waking up at 6am, i currently do it for college haha. I hope you have enjoyed this course so far, its definitely something different and exciting. Ginger reminds me a lot of my cat, he's also fiesty and will bite without care. Good luck with the course!

  10. Hi Ada!
    Interesting to see you did architecture and interior design. I know how you feel about waking up early in the morning. Taking the train is probably better than getting dublin bus. Game of Thrones is one of my favourite shows as well. Love the photo of your cat even though I am a dog person. Enjoyed reading this blog and look forward to seeing more.

  11. Hiya Ada, great introduction to the blogs, I have to agree with you I’m not a morning person myself, and it seems like you have a lot of background skills, that's amazing if you ask me :) lol yeah I remember someone saying that, only goes to prove how much work and effort you put in, I’m also a big lover of game of thrones myself. your cats are adorable if I may say so, wishing you all the best in year 2 Ada.


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